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Explore Career Selection Difficulties and solutions

xDifficulty Assessment

XDifficulty: Career Decision-Making Difficulty assessment

Product Details

The assessment provides you with a report about your career decision-making difficulty that can be used to inform you coping strategies that are useful for your career decision-making. You will be asked to respond to questions about career decision-making difficulty, and the final report will show your results in terms of five difficulty types. The five difficulty types are based on extensive research on career decision-making difficulty in a global context.

What's Included

It includes a report with full descriptions of your career decision-making difficulty and the meanings of different difficulty types in career decision-making. The final chart will show your scores across five career decision-making difficulty types.

For a more thorough report regarding the relative importance of the five difficulty types in your career decision-making, please take Career Decision-Making Difficulty Assessment with Relative Importance.

How It Works

This assessment will use your responses to questions to determine your career decision-making difficulty across five difficulty types.   

A Sample Report

Download a sample of the results report for XDifficulty:



Is it normal to experience career decision-making difficulty?

Yes. It is perfectly normal to have trouble in career decision-making even though you might have relevant experiences in career decision-making.  It is important to keep in mind that there might be no perfect “answer” for your career decision-making, but it is crucial to keep learning about yourself and the world through career decision-making.

How can I take XDifficulty (Career Decision-Making Difficulty Assessment) ?

To take the Career Decision-Making Difficulty Assessment, you need to sign up as a member of the site.

What would happen to my answers to the assessment questions?

Your information and identity are completely confidential. We may aggregate assessment takers’ assessment answers to continue improving our assessment and publish scientific reports, but your individual assessment results and answers will never be published or used for any other purposes.